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The EYSIER Charter Mark Award (CMA) Tool kit and Massive Online Open Access Course (MOOC) has an option for the distance learning component of 3 months to be supported by a mentor. This is followed by an implementation phase of your research design generated I the first three months. You will gather impact data and write up an EYSIER Charter Mark Award mapped to the rubric. The implementation phase is 3 months.
The EYSIER CMA is in 8 parts:
Part A is here
Part B is here
Part C is here
Part D is here
Part E is here
Part F is here
Part G is here
Part H is here
The Portfolio to record your progress against the incremental model and to benchmark value added impact against your strategic plan is here . This is also Annex Part H above.
The suite of 12 PowerPoint Presentations map to the EYSIER CMA Intended Learning Outcomes and each chapter of the book: Taysum, A. (2019) Education Policy as a Road Map to Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Scarborough: Emerald
The creation of the innovative online distance learning MOOC has benefited from 15 years of leading, writing and providing Higher Educators Masters and Doctoral highly successful distance learning courses (please see testimonials).
The PowerPoints focus on synthesising your outstanding and high value personal implicit knowledge that inform your professional practice with the social explicit knowledge. The explicit knowledge aims to explore the best that has been thought and said from different eras and cultural heritages, all faiths and none.
The ideas are explored in the 12 chapters of the book chapter, by chapter. You are encouraged to read each chapter (about an hour in time) before each workshop (about 2 hours of time).. The workshop focuses on asking you questions for you to explore what you think, why you think it and, in a safe space, develop your understandings using Assessment for Personal and Social Learning (Chapter 3).
You are encouraged to build your philosophies, psychologies and ethics of trust in your intentions and professional practice in collaboration with your professional learning community or Professional Administrators' and Educators' Committees for Empowerment (PEACE) to optimise students'/staff wellbeing, learning and happiness. For participants seeking to work in new partnerships with Institutes of lifelong learning, your research will focus on delivering your strategic plan mapped to the SDGs.
Good luck and enjoy the leadership journey!

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